The Coder
If you need it quantified…
I can problem solve for you. Descriptive, explanatory, or predictive. Any questions you have will be answered and placed into automation with the intangible nuances of your data in mind. As a data scientist in today’s digital world, my main goal is to marry the power of humans and technology in a harmonious union, not forgetting one or the other. Some well-known metrics and projects I have built include: the NBA Hustle Difficulty Complex, ESPN’s Fan Happiness Index, and ESPN’s Top College Football Champions from the Past 20 Years. My data science services range from phone consultations talking through your questions all the way to full-blown neural network models living behind automated dashboards. Thinking about a project you want to work on? Go ahead, get to clicking and booking below. Let’s make this official. 👇🏽
View more of my public work at the GitHub social link below (😸).